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CIRCLING THE DRAIN: This massive influx FLOOD of primarily foreign kids has been occurring for over 20 years, but now is in a 'circling-the-drain' FAST downward spiral mode. The emergency fund is gone. MORE AND MORE illegal kids are being ushered into the city onto the public 'dole', with the need RIGHT NOW for 3 schools - RIGHT NOW. NO place to put them except in portable bins and units like small ghetto houses. More bilingual teachers needed - HUGE line item EXPENSE ON THE BUDGET.

The host population can't sustain the kind of tax increase that would merely be a 'drop in the bucket' for what is needed, since the city politicians can't seem to do ANYTHING but spend the money as fast as they can. AND that the new apt/condominium developments are on the south side??? Hey, you want this irresponsible expansion????!!! Head to the north side!!!

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