🔨 Gifts to the Commonwealth
City Gives State Danforth | Anti-Climatic End to MBTA Act? | New Flag at State House | Do You Know an Outstanding Senior? | Framingham Night at the Railers | The Civic Week Ahead
Happy New Year, Framingham!
2025 is shaping up to be a busy year. It is Election year, with the Mayor, Council (except for at-large councilors), School Committee, Library Trustees and Edgell Grove Cemetery Trustees are all up for election in November.
Not only that, but the Sisitsky Administration is leading the city in a celebration of Framingham’s 325th anniversary.
Let’s catch up with what has happened since I last wrote to you.
1. | City Gives State Danforth Building

With the flick of a pen, Mayor Charlie Sisitsky signed over the Danforth Building on Union Avenue to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The signing took place in Senate President Karen Spilka’s office Friday afternoon.
New courthouse: The site of the 118 year old former high school building will be the home of the new regional justice center. This center will replace the current Framingham District Courthouse on Concord Street.
The new courthouse will house up to eight courts, including district, juvenile, and housing.
Both Senator Spilka and Mayor Sisitsky cited the new regional justice center as an economic driver for Downtown Framingham.
“It was a no-brainer to think what that could mean to the economic vitality of downtown Framingham and the city of Framingham altogether...no longer a responsibility of ours and guarantee that the new justice center is going to be in downtown Framingham, which will give Framingham a real shot in the arm.” - Mayor Sisitsky
Council Vote for Exchange: At the March 21, 2023 meeting, the Council voted unanimously allowing the Mayor to gift the Danforth building to the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM). They also authorized the Mayor to accept the current courthouse property on Concord Street from the state.
While this transfer was mentioned in several discussions, most recently at the Historical Commission meeting in September, there was no indication of the transfer of properties on Friday. Special legislation authorizing the transfer was stalled in the Legislature last year.

Demo Old Building: The current building will be demolished, a DCAMM representative told the Historical Commission. The state is considering ways to reuse bricks, and other architecture features from the building in the new design.
Also noted, a part of the library parking lot will be used for the new center. The library parking lot will be reconfigured.

Timeline: According to the presentation to the Historical Commission, construction is due to start in late 2026 with a target occupancy date in late 2029.
2.| Anti-Climatic End to MBTA Act?
After months of tense debate, divisive behavior, and just a flat out headache due to chaos, Mayor Sisitsky sent an application to the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) requesting a certificate of compliance with the MBTA Communities Act.
The Mayor announced his decision on Christmas Eve Eve, December 23. You can read his memo to the Council here.
What was submitted: The Sisitsky Administration submitted the current Central Business District multi-family zoning for compliance. Set by Town Meeting back in 2015, this submission does not require any change to current zoning.
The submission only includes multi-family zoning under 30,000 square feet, and if a developer submits a mixed-use project, it still requires a special permit.
“The potential, not guaranteed, estimated housing unit capacity under this submission is 6,286, with all 100% within a half mile of the Commuter Rail station at Routes 135 and 126. The Commonwealth is only requiring 4,355 unit capacity.” - Mayor Charlie Sisitsky
Grants at risk: In his memo to the Council, the Mayor stated meeting state guidelines and not jeopardizing grants or funding was the reason why he made this move.
What is next: The Council moved to postpone their discussion of the Act to February. The Mayor states his decision “does not preclude the City Council from continuing its public hearing on MBTA zoning in 2025 and considering the addition of further parcels.”
It is unclear what the Council will do following the Mayor’s action.
3.| New Flag at State House

The days of the water stained, ratty old flag proclaiming Framingham was a town hanging in the State House Hall of Flags have come to an end.
Friday in Boston: Joined by Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll, Senate President Karen Spilka, state representatives, local elected officials and community members, Mayor Charlie Sisitsky presented the Commonwealth with a new Framingham flag.
Flag details: The flag is navy blue featuring a yellow city seal. The city seal was redesigned shortly after Framingham officially became a city.
The outer circle of the seal represents braided straw, a symbol of the community’s prominence in the straw bonnet and hat industry of the early 1800s. May Hall, part of the original “Normal School” now Framingham State University, features in the middle. The wheel spokes represent transportation and the train. Three dates are at the bottom: 1662 marks the founding of Framingham by Thomas Danforth, 1700 is Framingham’s incorporation as a town, and lastly 2018 when we became a city.
The noon ceremony at the State House is part of the Sisitsky Administration’s celebration of Framingham’s 325th anniversary.
Community Events
Do You Know an Outstanding Senior?
Nominations are open for the 5th Annual Senior Heroes Awards. Do you know someone who gives and gives to our community?
There are four categories for the awards:
Culture/Arts: Performing arts, painting, poetry, playwriting, music, dance, video, singing/vocal, etc., celebrating diversity and inclusivity.
Social Development: Programs that improve or promote positive interactions among people from different ethnic groups, abilities, gender identities, and ages, such as sports, after-school programs, special events, or other activities.
Health or HealthCare: Efforts that focus on the populations whose access has been limited due to race, gender, gender identity, language, disability, immigration status, etc.
Public Service: Contributed this way with their volunteer service on our municipality's boards, councils or committees, Town Meetings, or former elected officials
Guidelines: Nominees must be 60+ years old, not employed by the city, or currently elected or candidates for political office. Current Council on Aging Board members are also ineligible.
Deadline: February 3, 2025 Submit your application online by clicking here.
Framingham Night at the Railers
Hey all you hockey fans! Framingham is taking over the Worcester Railers on January 19.
The Railers take on the Wheeling Nailers at 3:05pm at the DCU Center in Worcester. Doors open at 2pm. $4 for every ticket sold will go to Framingham Youth Hockey.
Framingham will feature throughout the game with players enjoying some ice time before the game, while community members will sing, with other shout outs.
Tickets are $26 and $29 plus fees. Purchase your tickets here.
The Civic Week Ahead
Monday, January 6
Tuesday, January 7
Wednesday, January 8
Thursday, January 9
In Closing…
Thank you to everyone who volunteered, sponsored, and attended the Friends of Framingham Trail’s New Year’s Eve celebration on the Cochituate Rail Trail! It was incredible. From the decorations to the fun activities and s’mores, people had a great time.
The best part? Having my family be there and enjoying this great celebration a group of us put together for the place we call home. Happy 2025!
Until next week,