🔨 Bus Strike Avoided
Winch Tennis Courts Overhaul | One Step Closer to Community Aggregation | What I'm Reading | The Week Ahead
Happy Teachers Appreciation Week!
Teachers are some of my favorite people on the planet, and have made such an incredible impact on me. I am proud to be the daughter of two (former) teachers (though I don't think a teacher can ever be a "former"). Shout out to all of my friends who give it all to share their love of learning with their students.
You all deserve way more than a week in recognition of what you do every day.
Have a comment or question? I’d love to hear from you. Email me at mkfeeney@gmail.com
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Bus Strike Avoided
For more than a week, a school bus strike loomed over Framingham’s 5,500 students who take the bus to school every day. School and city leaders met throughout the week, and on Saturday morning held an Executive Session joint meeting to decide next steps to prevent the strike.
At a press conference with leaders at 6pm Sunday night, in a moment like out of an Aaron Sorkin script, word came to Mayor Sisitsky that a deal was made between the Teamsters Local 170 and North Reading Transportation (NRT). A bus strike was averted for Monday.
Why were the school bus drivers going to strike? Teamsters 170 are in the process of negotiating new drivers’ contracts with NRT, but negotiations were stalled. The dispute was between these two groups, and not the City of Framingham. Framingham was caught in the middle of the stalled process. Other cities also caught in the situation were Marlborough and Westborough.
An emergency Executive Session Meeting with the Council, School Committee and Mayor took place on Saturday. The Council and School Committee voted to re-bid the bus contract for 4 years. However, if a strike occurred on Monday the vote expires. Both bodies authorized the Mayor to contact the Teamsters and NRT informing them of the vote and encouraging them to restart their negotiations.
What are the terms of the deal? Unclear what the new terms of the deal is between NRT and the Teamsters Local 170. According to Boston 25, Framingham is already in the top 10% of driver wages across the state, and Framingham is offering a significant raise of 13.65%.
Next steps: NRT’s current contract with Framingham Public Schools is for 77 drivers for 77 routes. They have not met this requirement the entire year. Sisitsky told the press there are still long-standing issues between the city and NRT, and those will be addressed.
Winch Tennis Courts Overhaul
The tennis courts at Winch Park at Framingham High School are receiving a makeover.
Elected officials, Parks & Rec, Framingham Public Schools, including the boys & girls tennis teams, were on hand for the groundbreaking of the new courts on Wednesday.
Project details: The 6 asphalt courses will be replaced with 6 post tension concrete courts with new nets and posts, fencing and LED court lighting.
Background: This project has been a priority since Mayor Sisitsky since he watched his granddaughter play at the courts. He was concerned about safety and embarrassed for the city by the state of the crumbling courts. He also pledges new investment in our parks around the city.
The Winch Courts were constructed in 1993 and used by both Framingham High School and Parks & Recreation.
One Step Closer to Community Aggregation
Framingham’s plan for municipal electricity aggregation took another step when the city announced Framingham Community Electricity at the last Council meeting.
Sustainability Coordinator Shawn Luz, with consultants Marlena Patten and Paul Gromer of MassPower Choice, provided an update on the program and public presentation on the program. Framingham is in the public comment stage of the process.
What are your thoughts? The draft Aggregation Plan for Framingham Community Electricity will be available for public review and comment from May 1 - June 1, 2023.
Two ways to submit comments:
Via email: FCE@framinghamma.gov
Via US mail: Shawn Luz, Attention: Framingham Community Electricity, City of Framingham, 150 Concord Street, Room #133, Framingham, MA 01702. Comments sent by mail must be received (not postmarked) by the end of the comment period in order to be addressed.
The big picture: Municipal, also referred to as community, aggregation is a form of group electricity purchasing. Aggregation benefits include cleaner electricity, and competitive, stable prices (however, no guarantee there will be savings). More than 150 communities around Massachusetts participate in aggregation programs.
Eversource will continue to deliver the electricity, but with this program Framingham can purchase cleaner electricity from a supplier it choses. Power goes out? Call Eversource. Who sends the bill? Eversource. Receive discounts from Eversource? You still will with this new program.
How does it work: Program has a series of tiers, each with different amounts of renewable energy used and price points. All Framingham residents are automatically enrolled in the program, per state law. Participation is not required. Residents have 30 days to decide to be automatically enrolled upon notification of the program officially launching via an official letter from the City of Framingham. You can opt out at any time without any penalties or fees.
To learn more about the program and ask questions, please visit: Framingham Community Electricity.
What I am Reading
The Week Ahead
Meeting agendas are linked
Tuesday, May 9
1:30 PM: Council on Aging
4:00 PM: School Committee: Climate Change, Env., & Sustainability Subcommittee
6:00 PM: City Council: Finance Subcommittee
7:00 PM: Parks and Recreation Commission
7:30 PM: Historic District Commission
Wednesday, May 10
7:00 PM: Sustainability Committee
7:00 PM: Cultural Council
7:00 PM: Zoning Board of Appeals
7:00 PM: Team Framingham
7:15 PM: Cable Advisory Committee
Thursday, May 11
6:00 PM: City Council: Finance Subcommittee
7:00 PM: Police Advisory Committee
7:00 PM: Human Relations Commission
Next week we’re taking a look at the budget. Have questions about the budget? Email me and I’ll do my best to include it in the next issue.
Have a great week!
-Mary Kate